Goddess Mahalaxmi (Ambabai) Kolhapur - Ambabai Mahalaxmi Kolhapur

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Mahalaxmi Temple in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India, is one of the most revered and ancient temples dedicated to the Hindu goddess Mahalaxmi, the goddess of health, wealth, prosperity & peace. The history of Mahalaxmi Kolhapur dates back centuries and is intertwined with the rich cultural heritage of the region.

According to historical records, the original temple was built around the 7th century CE. However, the exact details of its construction are unclear. Over the centuries, the temple has undergone several renovations and expansions under the patronage of various rulers and dynasties.

The Chalukyas, who ruled over the region during the 7th and 8th centuries, made significant contributions to the temple's development. It is believed that the Chalukya king Karnadeva constructed the first stone temple on the site. The temple gained prominence during the reign of the Yadavas of Devagiri, who ruled over a large part of present-day Maharashtra. The Yadavas were followed by the Shilahara dynasty, who further expanded and embellished the temple complex. The Shilahara kings constructed the present-day main sanctum, known as the Garbhagriha, which houses the idol of Mahalaxmi. The temple complex also includes several other shrines dedicated to different deities.
During the medieval period, the temple faced numerous invasions and attacks by various dynasties. The Muslim ruler Alauddin Khilji captured and plundered the temple in the 14th century, followed by attacks by the Bahamani Sultanate and the Marathas. However, the temple was always restored and rebuilt by subsequent rulers and devotees. One of the significant renovations of the temple was carried out by the Maratha ruler Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the 17th century. Shivaji's mother, Jijabai, had deep devotion to the goddess Mahalaxmi, and she played a crucial role in the reconstruction of the temple. Shivaji also established an administrative system to manage the temple affairs and ensure its upkeep.

In recent times, the temple has undergone extensive restoration and renovation work to preserve its architectural and cultural heritage. It attracts a large number of devotees and tourists from all over the country and the world as well, especially during festivals like Sharadiya Navaratri utsav.

The history of Mahalaxmi Kolhapur is not just limited to the temple itself but is also deeply connected to the religious and cultural practices of the people of Kolhapur. The temple continues to be a symbol of faith and devotion for millions of people and remains an important religious and cultural landmark in Maharashtra.
श्री नागनाथेश्वर - दक्षिण काशी, क्षेत्र करवीर
Shri nagnatheshwar temple in Kolhapur.
Published by उदयसिंह मानसिंगराव राजेयादव - 08 May 2022
श्री कुकूटेश्वर - दक्षिण काशी क्षेत्र करवीर
Shri Kukuteshwar Kolhapur Mythological places in Kolhapur
Published by उदयसिंह मानसिंगराव राजेयादव - 15 Apr 2022
श्री करवीर महात्म्य पोथीचे पठन केल्याने साक्षात महालक्ष्मीची कृपा होते
श्री करवीर महात्म्य संक्षिप्त कथासार
सादरकर्ते : ॲड. प्रसन्न मालेकर, कोल्हापूर.
संपर्क : 9881690558.
अध्याय १अध्याय २अध्याय ३अध्याय ४अध्याय ५अध्याय ६अध्याय ७अध्याय ८अध्याय ९अध्याय १०अध्याय ११अध्याय १२अध्याय १३अध्याय १४अध्याय १५अध्याय १६अध्याय १७अध्याय १८अध्याय १९अध्याय २०अध्याय २१अध्याय २२अध्याय २३अध्याय २४ अध्याय २५ अध्याय २६ अध्याय २७ अध्याय २८ अध्याय २९ अध्याय ३० अध्याय ३१ अध्याय ३२अध्याय ३३अध्याय ३४अध्याय ३५अध्याय ३६अध्याय ३७अध्याय ३८अध्याय ३९अध्याय ४०अध्याय ४१अध्याय ४२अध्याय ४३अध्याय ४४अध्याय ४५अध्याय ४६अध्याय ४७अध्याय ४८अध्याय ४९अध्याय ५०, ५१, ५२, ५३अध्याय ५४, ५५अध्याय ५६अध्याय ५७अध्याय ५८ अध्याय ५९ अध्याय ६० अध्याय ६१ अध्याय ६२ अध्याय ६३ अध्याय ६४ अध्याय ६५ अध्याय ६६ अध्याय ६७ अध्याय ६८, ६९ अध्याय ७०, ७१ अध्याय ७२, ७३

एके वेळीं महालक्ष्मी व महादेव यांचा आपसांत वाद चालला होता. देवी ह्मणाली "माझें क्षेत्र श्रेष्ठ" व शंभू ह्मणाले "माझें क्षेत्र श्रेष्ठ." या वादाचा शेवट करण्याकरितां श्रीविष्णु तेथें आले व त्यांनीं हातांत तराजू घेऊन उत्तरेकडील पारडयांत काशीक्षेत्र व दक्षिणेकडील पारडयांत करवीरक्षेत्र घालून तराजू उचलला त्यामध्यें उत्तरेकडील पारडें वर जाऊन दक्षिणेकडील खालीं बसलें, हें पाहून श्रीविष्णु शंकरास ह्मणाले "नाना तीर्थे व देवांच्या पंक्ति महालक्ष्मीचे क्षेत्रांत अधिक असल्यामुळें तें पारडें जड होऊन खालीं बसलें. काशीक्षेत्रांत तसे नसल्यामुळें तें पारडे हलकें होऊन वर गेलें, यामुळें काशीपेक्षां करवीरक्षेत्र अधिक श्रेष्ठ आहे." हे पाहून शंकर खिन्न झाले व आपल्या गणांसह मनिकर्णिका व काशी या तीर्थाच्या रुपानें करवीरीं येऊन राहिले.  करवीर क्षेत्राचे पांच कोसांतील सर्व तीर्थांत गंगाच राहती झाली. विश्वनाथ आपल्या तीर्थासह करवीरास गेल्याचें ऐकून प्रयाग व बिंदुमाधव तेथें गेलें, हें ऐकून त्रैलोक्यांतील सर्व तीर्थेंही तेथें गेलीं. महाकालीरुपानें शिव, सरस्वतीरुपानें ब्रह्मदेव व लक्ष्मीरुपानें माधव तेहतीसकोटी देवही तेथें जाऊन वास करुं लागले.
जयंती व गोमती यांचे संगमांत द्वारका निर्माण झाली, त्या संगमांतील माती जे नर कपाळीं लावितात ते भवसमुद्रापासून मुक्त होतात. या करवीरांत तिळा तिळाचे अंतरावर शंकर लिंगरुपानें आहेत. या ठिकाणीं स्वल्प दान व अल्प जप केले तरी मेरुप्रमाणें अनंत गुण होते. एक ग्रास जरी अन्न दान केलें तरी तें रत्‍नयुक्त भूमिदानाचें फळ देतें. तेथें भिक्षा दान केलें असतां कोटिगोदानाचें, हजार अश्वमेधाचें व शंभर वाजपेय यज्ञाचें फळ मिळतें. नारद ह्मणाले "मार्कंडेया, करवीरांत स्वल्प दानाचें जें मोठें पुण्य मिळतें त्याचे कारण असें आहे कीं, करवीरांतील नर आपल्यास भिक्षा घालतील तर त्यास अतीशय पुण्य प्राप्ति होईल असें जाणून श्रीदत्त या ठिकाणीं नित्य भिक्षेस फिरत असतात व दैवयोगानें त्यांस जो नर भिक्षा घालितो त्याचें पुण्य अगणित होतें. या ठिकाणीं कोणत्याही जातीस भिक्षा दान केलें असतां दान करणारा मनुष्य सद्गतीस जातो. वेदवेदार्थाचें दान जो नर येथें करिल त्याचें पुण्य वर्णन करण्यास शेषही समर्थ नाहीं. या ठिकाणीं जे नर द्विमुख धेनुदान देतात त्यास वैकुंठ प्राप्त होतें. हें महात्म्य ऐकून कपिल महामुनि या ठिकाणीं कायमचा वास करुं लागले."

According to the Hindu mythology; there are five major ways through which gods are worshiped. They are
1) Shakta 2) Shaiva 3) Soura 4) Vaishnav & 5) Ganpatya
Every way has its own supreme god. And they have a concrete belief that their god invented this nature.
1. Shaktas worship goddess Shakti
2. Shaivas worship god Shiva
3. Souras worship god Sun
4. Vaishnavas worship god Vishnu &
5. Ganpatyas worship god Ganesha.
Among these five gods, one being worshiped by Shaktas since ages is shakti.Shakti means goddess Mahalaxmi. In & around Kolhapur goddess Mahalaxmi is known as Ambabai.
According to Yoga shastra, human body contains the universe in it & is made of seven chakras. The ‘Muladhar Chakra’ has its goddess Mahalaxmi.
The evidences of the greatness of the goddess can be found in famous mythological writings such as the Karveermahatmya, Devimahatmya, Vishnu Puran, Kedarvijay etc. If we try to discover the evidences mentioned in these famous writings, the destinations can still be found with same or another names. One thing is true, everything desires a sincere discovery and the world of miracles will be explored. Read more...
Ambabai (Mahalaxmi) temple has a rich & glorious history. The construction begun before 12th century & existing temple was built during late 12th century. The maximum construction of this temple is been built by Shilahar King during 12th century.
The architecture of the temple is purely Chalukyan & not Dravidian.
The Sanskrit inscription on a stone tablet in the wall of the house of Annacharya Panditrao, now in the town hall museum says,“The great Kind Bhojadeva was reigning peacefully with pleasing conversation at Panhala; in 1190. He with a view to ensure the prosperity of his kingdom, and for the maintenance of the people residing in the monastery built by his dependent Loka-nayaka, for performing five kinds of worships of the deities Amruteshwara & Uma-Maheshwara, for offering to the goddess Mahalaxmi three times a day. And for the maintenance of his dependant Brahmins, and for the repairs of the monastery, granted in charity to four persons residing at the monastery.”
The Sanskrit inscription on a pillar in the temple of Ganpati to the west of Shri Ambabai temple is dated 1218 A. D. It belongs to the reign of king Tailama of the Devagiri Yadava dynasty. In it he is said to have pleased Mahalaxmi by many presents of jewellery.
After the Stone Age begins the paper age; wherein characters from 18 th century onwards are issued on paper and are preserved to the present age.
With reference to these documents; we can imagine the time lines of Ambabai (Mahalaxmi) temple. Read more...
Almost all sects in the world consider the supreme Goddess as their mother. The reason is her form and her name. As grandson of saint Eknath Shri. Mukteshwar said,
तारा अगम्य शाक्ता |
शिवभजका गौरी सांख्यासी प्रकृती |
निर्गुण निजधारी गायत्री निजबीज |
निगमागम सारी प्रकटे |
पद्मावती श्री जिनधर्मचारी |
Meaning Skata sect call her Tara, devotees of Lord Shankara call her Gauri, followers of Sankhya philosophy (tatvadnyan) call her Prakruti, students of Veda call her Gayatri and Jain followers call her Padmavati.
Though we all know that saint Eknath Maharaj is a great devotee of Vithoba (Lord Vishnu); his grandson Mukteshwar also had strong belief that she is Laxmi; the concern of Lord Vishnu. But it is notable that he never hesitated about what all other sects think about her. Read more...
Today, goddess Mahalaxmi is an epicenter of overall development of Kolhapur and its vicinity. Worshiped by crores of devotees all over the world; huge number of devotees visit Kolhapur to sincerely worship the goddess. It has supported the tourism industry in and around Kolhapur district. For that matter, transportation, lodging, boarding and all other related businesses are being benefited.

Located on Mumbai-Chennai; previously a Pune-Bangalore highway Kolhapur nests amazing tourism destinations such as forts, temples, forests, heritage structures & historical monuments. Any tourist intending to visit here may have numerous opportunities of diverse tourism. Guests are heartily welcomed and served here.

Well connected by road, rail and airways to the rest of the world; developing infrastructure is one more prominent draft on the blue print of Kolhapur. Being a gateway of Konkan, most of the tourists travelling to Konkan goes ahead by visiting Kolhapur. And all other assets such as food and tourism destinations are capable of holding them in and around Kolhapur to linger for more time. Along with specialty local veg and non veg cuisine, multi cuisine restaurants with all economic types of more than 3000 rooms are available in Kolhapur. Well planned and affordable touring facilities adds more assets to the hospitality industry of Kolhapur. Along with religious and industrial tourism, Kolhapur is coming up with all types of medical tourism. Read more...
कोल्हापूरचे मूर्ती वैभव
Its now time for you to get blessed
Ambabai; goddess Mahalaxmi of Kolhapur. The goddess of health, wealth, peace & prosperity. We are happy to relaunch one of the most successful website of goddess Mahalaxmi (Ambabai); goddess mahalaxmi of Kolhapur. The credit goes to every visitor whose visit encouraged us to add more & more information. We'll be happy to introduce very authentic information with refrance to ancient manuscripts, traditional writings & numerous religious books etc. Keep visiting, keep forwarding the domain & get blessed. Let everybody know the greatness of goddess Ambabai.

Being an ardent lover of Kolhapur; we strongly believe… rather it has been proven that the overall development of this region revolves around Mahalaxmi (Ambabai) temple. As Mahalaxmi (Ambabai) is the supreme power, and Kolhapur is a religious place of great importance; it has been progressing as time changes. Thousannds of devotees visit Kolhapur and for that matter this all region regularly. The number is increasing day by day. Those who are curious about goddess Mahalaxmi (Ambabai) and Kolhapur as well, this website is an initiative to guide you. Along with it, overall tourism in and around Kolhapur will be published here.
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